Home Dialyzors United – Marketing Case Study

Home Dialyzors United is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2006 with the goal to educate and advocate for people on dialysis. In 2015, Nieltje Gedney stepped into the role of Executive Director of the organization. She was motivated to continue their work, as she had just begun her own dialysis treatment. From her advocacy work on Capitol Hill to her sales and advertising experience, she brought a special skillset to the position. Since her start, the group has grown significantly, expanding awareness for an alternative to hospital-based care-with at-home dialysis treatments. Gedney attends and presents at conferences, seminars, and expos all over the U.S. and she has helped to garner the respect of medical professionals across the field who are now recognizing the benefits of at-home dialysis options. She stays mission focused continuing to inspire, inform, and advocate for an extraordinary quality of life for the home dialyzor community.

When Gedney began working with Home Dialyzors United, she was determined to organize and develop their community’s platform. After receiving a recommendation from a former coworker, Gedney met with Moises Cardenas, owner of Social Connection Marketing. She decided right away that he would be a great fit for their marketing needs.

“From that day, I just felt a synergy (with Cardenas). He has great ideas and is very methodical-he really produces,” she shares.

Cardenas built a marketing strategy primarily focused on their social media presence, as that is where they have the most reach on a national scale. Social Connection provides graphics, flyers, business cards, and website/social media management and support.

“I really like his ideas. He’s been instrumental in growing our social media presence, we went zero to sixty once he started with us,” says Gedney.

The most impactful project Social Connection has helped to launch for Home Dialyzors United is their educational webinars. During COVID, patients were bombarded with online content, so the collaborative team had a challenge in trying to provide valuable and interesting topics for their group. Cardenas has played an integral role in helping to produce these webinars. Gedney believes,

“Moises has been critical in helping to advance our educational content.”

Since working with Social Connection, Home Dialyzors United has amplified their reach, adding thousands of members to their Facebook group, and increasing their sponsorships to allow them to continue to advocate on behalf of their community.

“In the last 10 years we’ve really taken it to the next level and Moises is a huge part of that,” Gedney praises.

She continues, “The growth we’ve experienced has been phenomenal, he’s put us on the map.”

Gedney also is grateful for Cardenas’ willingness to consult on any task or project. She says,

            “He’s my go to for anything computer related. He is always ready to jump in and help.”

Gedney is a Social Connection Marketing enthusiast sharing how unique it is to have such a high-quality marketing firm that remains local to Martinsburg and the surrounding areas,

“Generally, to get the type of service he offers, I’d be dealing with a firm in a large city, it’s so nice to have this great service that is local.”

Home Dialyzors United ( Home Dialyzors United | Facebook) gives those afflicted with kidney disease, that are otherwise scattered across the U.S., a home and a community of their own where they can stay educated and connected. Social Connection Marketing is privileged to be a working piece in such an influential organization.